Thursday, February 22, 2007



你一言惊醒梦中人了。好不容易,我“挖”出了这张有历史性的照片。可是,照片已有点模糊不清了,可是,记忆却如此清晰。那时的我们,玩得比小孩们还要开心,尽兴。只可惜,那间小学已经关闭了,小孩们再也不需要每天乘船去学校上课了。而我, 仿佛觉得那一些回忆,离我已经好远好远了。

那时的我们还蛮会摆 pose 的。
我又放上了我们最近的合照,把两张照片放在一起,分别也蛮大的吧!在过去的岁月里,我们都有着各自的经历和成长,昔日的小女孩们都已经长大了!有人这么说过,在感情的世界里,感觉好像是座迷宫,你爱上谁,你跟着谁,似乎冥冥之中自有定数。 友情也是如此吧!在冥冥之中的安排,我认识了你,与你相知相惜。庆幸的是我们的友情不是一年,两年,而是一辈子。情侣,夫妻之间,又有多少人能义无反顾,轻许一辈子的承诺呢?




Anonymous said...

My goodness! That was how many years back already? We are so young, cute and innocent, haha..
Well, i'm quite shock that you published this reminds me a lot of our sweet memories. Thks for posting this special blog for me and share to others. I really missed those days when we went there. It was indeed fun and we hanging around with those children ~ your students and their parents prepared some snacks and food for us. So touching. I still remember we were like monkeys, playing and jumping here and there, haha...I wonder when we can have such fun again..
Time really flies, we are now working and having our own life. Nevertheless, the passion of our friendship is rooted in our hearts! No doubts. It's fate that brings us together among millions or billions of people around the world. I do cherish each time we gather.
And ya, we shall be blessed, same to our friends. Thks for everything and don't forget what are friends for..
Lynn, Kambate! Friendship forever.

NickTay said...

This is my blog Lynn :P (